June 11, 2012

Family Home Evening Extended Style

Now that 3 out 4 of the kids live in town (Well, some are in Meridian), and now that we have 5 grandkids (How did that happen so fast?), we've been having extended family home evenings.  Tonight was only our second one, but so far they're a big success.

We met at Stacey and Mike's.  They have a big new sectional, and the whole family fits on it.  We have a potluck dinner first, a lesson, then dessert.  It usually takes us 4 hours, because we  have a lot of family talk time.  Terry has done the lesson both times, but we're now rotating that.  Brent has brought dessert both times.  That's not going to change.  He's the dessert man.

Terry's lesson was a Slide Rocket presentation on their TV, about what we need to do to return to our heavenly Father.

A lot of kids.  A lot of action.  A lot of energy.

Maycee shows off her crawling skills.  She only crawls if there is a cell phone for her to get.  Only nine months old and she want a cell phone.  What's to become of this generation?

Isaac's first FHE.  He's not quite 3 weeks.

We all love him to pieces.

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