March 28, 2011

Monday of Spring Break

I still feel crumby today, but I had signed-up to deliver milk to the women's shelter, so I ventured out.  Of course it started hailing.  What kind of spring break is this!  Actually it only lasted a few minutes and it made me feel good to donate milk.  It also made me feel good to buy all healthy, fresh vegetables and tofu at Winco.  I'm going to be making purees and using them in my sneaky recipes.  The sun came out with some blue skies.  My pansies are happy, and Terry is taking me to Blue Cow - medicine for my sore throat.  I've finished 4 books that I've been reading since Christmas.  I have my sewing machine out.  I've ordered the crochet patterns, and cleaned one room.  I think everything will be good.

1 comment:

Pamela Hunter-Braden said...

I love your blogs. I don't want to scare you, but we're a lot alike. I like the things you like and think many of the same thoughts you think. If I'd eat right, we could be twins. I was even sick this past weekend--not with the food poisoning Lyn told people (I had put the thought into her mind), but with some nasty stomach virus that tried to kill me. I did lose two extra pounds.