March 02, 2011

The Fizz!

Toasting to a good time.
Last week I had a student that brought in root beer floats for his birthday treats.  I wasn't expecting the "Fizz".  Three years ago his mom had seen these crazy things at an ice cream shop.  She then found them online and ordered a case.  She said that at the time you could order 50 or a case.  The case was only 20 dollars more, so she's been using these and giving them away ever since. 

Bottoms up!
You fill the Fizz cup with any kind of ice cream, then screw it onto the soda bottle.  When you gently squeeze the bottle, the soda flows up a tube and showers down on the ice cream.  There's an opening on top of the cup to drink out of, or stick a straw in.  The kids at school had a blast!  These floats with the Fizz kept them enthralled for a good half hour. 

The best thing is they're reusable.  I snatched 7 of them that kids didn't want.  The bad news is that this company took their idea on the show Shark Tank a few years ago.  Now they sell 4 or 12 at a time for about $2 a piece.  I was ready to buy a case and start handing them out at family reunions, giving them as VT gifts, taking them to potlucks, and on and on.  Now I'll just have to take care of the 7 I have and bring them out for special occasions only.

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