February 02, 2011

Ahhhh.....Grade School

There are a few things that you might miss if you don't spend time in an elementary school.  Groundhogs Day is a big holiday, with traditions, and coloring pages, and excitement.  A lot of people don't even have it marked on their calendars.  Another thing is grade school jokes.  They use to come from bubble gum wrappers, but now they're on Laffy Taffy wrappers.  They get passed around and I hear them almost every day.  Yesterday I heard one that came from somewhere else, but it was still elementary humor.  "In the kitchen, you're an American.  What are you in the bathroom?"  "EuRpeon."  Another student that was listening to the joke with me said, "That joke is so last year."  I hadn't heard it before, but those who don't spend time in grade school, definitely didn't hear it way last year.

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