March 23, 2015

Spring Break - Day 1

I'm a little overbooked, but it's going to be great.  I've given up on getting projects done, but I'm hoping to get the Unit 7 math tests graded, the house cleaned, my car washed inside and out, and some spring weeding done.

Today I had an early morning appointment with my dermatologist.  Everything looked good and she only found one little spot on my forehead and one on my back to zap with the freezing burning stuff.  I'm good until next spring break.  

On the way to Nampa, I stopped at Down East Home and Clothes. I wasn't very impressed, but I did find some little stools I liked, and a desk.  The desk is really small and simple, and on 1/2 price clearance, but it was still over $400.  I liked it, but not that much.  I'll keep looking.

In Nampa, I met Nan at Kierra's salon and we both got our hair colored and cut.  We had a lot of family girl talk.  It was so much better than being there alone.  Nan and I need to always double book our hair appointments.  I'll have to post a picture later.  I think Kierra nailed it with the color.  I like it and Nan says I look younger.

Afterward we went to Brick 29 for a late lunch, and a lot more topics of discussion.  I didn't get home until after 6:00.  Tomorrow is another full day, so is Wednesday, and Saturday, and a couple things are pending for Thursday and Friday.  I'll keep you posted.

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