March 03, 2015

New Challenge

We started a new Meltdown Challenge on March 1st.  This one is only four weeks and we're suppose to lose 3% of our weight.  I figure it will keep me on track through Spring Break. Hopefully it will help me get through the stress eating that comes at the end of the quarter with all the activities and assessments, and the eating out of boredom that comes when I'm working on the computer for hours and hours while clicking grades and writing comments.

After spending the three days in Salt Lake at a Take Shape for Life conference with his cousin Randy, our health coach, Terry returned to Boise, and Randy and his wife Jeanette followed to visit family and friends up here.  It was so fun having them come for a visit and to be able to meet them in person, instead of on a Zoom call.  We have a lot in common (besides being related), and they're fun to be around.  I would have liked to visit longer, but I'll make due with weekly check-ins while he's coaching me, Zoom calls, and online comments.  We'll know each other pretty well by the time I get to where I want to be. 

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