September 09, 2011

Fire Escape

Every year the Fire Marshall inspects every school in town.  This throws head custodians and principals into panic mode.  We know about the inspection date ahead of time and are given a checklist to make sure our rooms will pass.  The school secretary can't keep the fresh eggs that she has delivered in the nurse's fridge.  They have to be in the staff room.  Teachers can't have cords taped to the floor, electrical stuff piggy-backed on an extension cord, or tables on both sides of the hall.  I always pride myself on keeping a clutter-free classroom.  Most teachers collect stuff, and they put the stuff in boxes, and the boxes on top of cabinets, which are too close to the ceiling according to the Fire Marshall.

Yesterday, my room did not pass inspection!  I have a mirror on the wall back by the coat rack.  It's been there for six years.  Apparently, there have been studies done, and if you have a mirror too close to an exit, most people get confused and walk into the mirror instead of out the door.  Really?  I'm not buying it.
The work order has been sent in to remove the mirror.


Pamela Hunter-Braden said...

Maybe they would end up in a magical place by walking through the mirror like Wonderland or Narnia or Hogwarts. The fire marshall has thwarted a whole new experience for silly people who get confused and walk into mirrors. I've walked into revolving doors, but I've never walked into a mirror. I want to see this dubious study.

Jana said...

I think it would be a good thing if someone accidentally walked into the mirror (provided they didn't really injure themselves). Everyone would laugh, and it might lighten the mood a bit in such a serious, evacuation-necessary situation :).