February 10, 2015

Unlikely Favorite Author

The author that spoke at the Literacy Luncheon this year was sort of a last minute replacement.  In previous years we've heard from authors of adult fiction and non-fiction. This year's author, Leslie Patricelli, writes baby board books.  I was not excited.

Leslie lives in Hailey, Idaho with her husband (a professional drummer) and her three kids.  She started out her career as a graphic artist at Microsoft, and drew Image result for microsoft bob dog
Image result for microsoft paperclip
this sometimes annoying dog that offered you help.  Her cubicle mate drew the paperclip helper.

They both went on to become authors and illustrators of children's books.

Leslie's inspiration comes from her kids.  She has titles like, Potty, Yucky, Yummy, Soft, Loud and No, No, Yes, Yes.  You can see why I wasn't that excited to hear her speak.  I was wrong!  She was absolutely delightful.  She had a power point that included videos of parents reading her books to their (darling) kids, and (adorable) kids reading the books.  (She's sold millions, by the way.)  She spoke of the importance of kids having their hands on books early, and reading to children. Early on her editor wanted her to use less words. Some of her books only have two words, but when the little kids read the books, they put in all the words that she edited out.  They also laugh hysterically.  I want my grandkids to read books and laugh hysterically, so I bought some of hers and had her sign them.

Favorite page

Favorite page - (poor kitty)

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