April 13, 2015


I should know what those letters stand for, but I don't.  They're the big long tests that the kids need to take that assess their knowledge of the Common Core.  (They used to be the ISAT tests, and when I was a kid, they were the Iowa Tests of Basic Skills.)  This is the second year that the kids have taken them in Idaho, but it was my first year giving them.  We use to hire a sub for the month and she would proctor all the tests.  Last year we weren't suppose to be there when our own class was taking the test, so we used student teachers.  This year we had a 20 minute training on how to get everything going on the computer, and then we were suppose to be good to go.  I wasn't.  It was a rough start and I had to call the principal to come get us going.  In the end, all but three students were able to finish.  (Not sure how they did.)  We have three more sessions to go.  I think I'll do better.  Hope the kids do too.

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