October 29, 2011

Monster Mash

The first sixth grade fundraiser of the year for EFT is the Monster Mash Dance.  Those who want to help have to commit to giving up 3 lunch recesses to make posters and decorations.  They also have to donate sodas or bottled water, and work a shift at the dance.  It's a family affair and everyone comes in costume.  We found the perfect DJ, had a photographer taking pictures for 50 cents, and sold 50 Domino's pizzas by the slice.  Keva Juice came and sold smoothies, and we had over 300 bake good items donated to sell.  The sixth graders didn't want to give up their work stations.  Those selling baked goods were really smooth sales people.  The clean up crew was amazing.  The big boys that really aren't into class work, definitely are into hauling tables and putting them on racks.  They vacuumed, put away chairs, took apart the stage, hauled cartloads of stuff, and didn't quit until every speck of straw gone, and the gym floor sparkled.  We had a big crowd all night, and they had a lot of fun.  The PE teacher had been teaching all the sixth graders the choreography to "Thriller".  We closed the dance with the whole floor moving in unison.  The best costume award went to a sixth grade boy that dressed up like his teacher, Mrs. McDaniel.  She wears a lot of bling.  In the end, almost all of the sixth graders earned $39 toward their EFT costs.  Not bad.  Quite a thrill actually.

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