January 20, 2012

Report Cards, Not

Today is the end of the semester and report cards are due on Monday.  For elementary teachers who have to fill in many, many Es, Ms, Is, and Ns, plus write comments, it is many hours of work.  To that end, the district makes this day an early release - students go home at 1:15 and we have time to work.  Not this time.  I had already launched a complaint because all night on Wednesday, the server couldn't handle the load.  Today, of all days, the server was down all day and I'm sure all techies were scrambling.  Nobody could do anything with our grade program. 

So, instead of working on report cards, we had a scary 45 minute staff meeting about the levy.  We all have work to do.  If it doesn't pass on March 13th, many of my friends will no longer be employed.  I might not be employed, and the amazing schools and programs that Boise School District has, may not endure.  It won't be good for the kids, or the community. 

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