September 27, 2012

Canning Peaches

I took my turn at the church cannery.  I have to leave work right away to make it to the 4 o'clock shift.  Terry came with me.  It was our first time going together.  He was on the line, weeding out the bad peaches, and I was running the chute where they come down and fill the cans.  Every job there is wet, sticky, and monotonous.  After about 20 minutes your back and feet hurt.  It's loud and you usually end up with a headache.  You're looking at the clock constantly. 

It is rewarding though.  You're there with a 50-100 people who volunteer their time.  The cans of peaches go to those in need all over the western United States.  It makes you appreciate your education, training, and jobs.  I know we're blessed for doing this.  Best of all, last night, we ran out of peaches right before 6:00.  We cleaned up and were out of there 2 hours early.....  I think we still get the blessing.

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