August 21, 2012

Working the Phone

It's back to school and sorry to say, back to the conflict between educators and our state superintendent of schools and the legislature.  I volunteered to work a shift at the phone bank, asking for NO votes on the referendum of the education bills that will be on the ballot this November.  Terry was a good sport and came along with me.  He has a great phone voice. 

We were actually just calling people who had signed the referendum petitions.  It was shocking how many of the phone numbers were no good.  In three hours, I only talked to 23 people, and some of those were wrong numbers.  About half of the numbers are no longer in service.  Cell phones have brought a lot of instability and change.  We can have one by our side at all times, but getting a hold of people with cell phones is tough.

People I did talk to were supportive or confused.  I long for the days when I was a teacher, not a political activist.  I'm back to school tomorrow, and counting the days until November. 

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